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Public meeting for SL Wastewater Infrastructure Project


The City of Storm Lake will improve the Sanitary Lift Station at Scout Park and the Ice House Lift Station on the Southwest portion of Vista Drive. The improvements will include full replacement of each lift station to enhance sanitary sewer conveyance and mitigate potential loss of service due to flood hazards. Street lane shifts and closures are planned for portions of Lighthouse Drive and Vista Drive throughout construction.

Impacted residents are invited for a meeting to learn about the project on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Storm Lake City Hall, 620 Erie St. A short presentation with the project team will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Residents may also visit the “Wastewater Infrastructure Mitigation” page at www.jumpintoconstruction-stormlake.com to stay up to date on the project process and future engagement opportunities.

City of Storm Lake, Wastewater Infrastructure Project


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