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Frosty Mitchell would be in meltdown if he were still on the radio looking down the Valley of the Giants. What a season this has been for girl’s and women’s basketball in Iowa and nationally. …

Experts are perplexed that Iowa ranks second in the nation for cancer rates, behind Kentucky. Ours is the only state that showed an increase last year, according to a report from the Iowa Cancer …

State Auditor Rob Sand sounds willing, if not eager, to review the confusing situation surrounding diverted tax increment financing revenue that should have gone to paying off bonds for King’s …

Everyone should be able to find and afford nutritious food to feed their families. But the Covid-19 pandemic made that nearly impossible for thousands of Americans. The pandemic caused widespread …

Conservatives across the country are freaking out about the prospect of men dressing up in women’s clothing, and vice versa. Apparently cross-dressing marks the end of civilization. If that’s the …

No surprise that the Storm Lake City Council lifted water and sewer rates by 7% to cover for old pipes and faltering wells amid dwindling groundwater supplies. We have shouldered rate increases …

A moving tribute One of the most moving stories I have ever read in your newspaper comes in the form of an obituary published on March 1. Edward Phiakhamta , thank you for your service to our …

This has not been an easy time to be a librarian. nnSixty-plus years ago, back when the library card was a coveted sign of my status as a young reader, Miss Botts and Mrs. Sager were never viewed as …

Donald Trump didn’t bother to consult Zippy Duvall of the American Farm Bureau about dusting off his trade-war playbook with China. Trump must not have asked former ambassador to China Terry …

Rural pressure against pipelines pumping liquefied CO2 by lever of eminent domain threatens to rupture Republicans controlling the statehouse. Several bills promoted by Northwest Iowa legislators …

Thanks to John Brostad Thank you John Brostad, for your thoughtful, insightful letter, dated Feb. 24, to the Storm Lake Times Pilot. Your words need to be read. Iowa’s governor has embraced …

King’s Pointe Resort will get a much-needed $5.8 million renovation now that funds generated by a tax increment financing district have been properly routed by the county. City officials believe …

Actor Michael Urie’s character, Brian, the gay best friend of lead Jason Segel in the Apple TV hit “Shrinking,” has a catch phrase that’s caught me in a days-long pondering of Gov. Kim …

Donald Trump remains the presumptive front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination despite all protestations otherwise. A Fox News poll over the weekend showed Trump with 43% support among …

In Iowa, we are talking seriously about letting 14 year-olds work in slaughterhouses. That’s how tight the job market is. The absurdity does not stop there: the Biden Administration is looking to …

There is an interesting study in contrasts playing out right now in Iowa.   One example comes from the Davis County School District in Bloomfield. It is the 96th-largest of Iowa’s 328 public …

This headline harkens back to the good old days of newspapering when reporters would rush to phone booths to call their stories back to the city room from pay phones. “What’s a phone booth? …

If an editor used standard punctuation to relate the emotion expressed by Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst in a recent Capitol Hill discussion of foreign ownership of U.S. land, it would look something like …

The Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 this week to advance a bill that would reinstate the death penalty for the first time since 1965. Our enduring respect goes to Sen. Lynn Evans, …

Over the last few years, Iowa families and farmers have been forced to empty their wallets at the gas station as fuel costs soared nationwide. Between federal restrictions on domestic energy …

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